Regulations and terms of use of the website and the application

Terms of Use for the Adopt-me Israel Website (hereinafter “Adopt-me Israel” or “Adopt-me”)
You can view our Privacy Policy here.


Welcome to the Adopt-me Israel website! We are Adopt-me, a non-profit technological organization established in response to the dire situation of animals in Israel, according to the animal welfare report published by the organization “Let the Animals Live.” Adopt-me was founded to find a warm and loving home for every pet in need, with a focus on matching each pet with an appropriate home based on its needs.

This website and the Adopt-me Israel app are operated to promote this mission and are intended, among other things, to provide information on activities. Adopt-me operates online to facilitate pet adoption in Israel.

Use of the website and Adopt-me Israel apps is subject to the terms of use outlined below, and your use of the site constitutes your full agreement to these terms. If you do not agree with the terms of use, you are required to refrain from using the website and apps, and not to browse or use the services provided.

The website and apps are intended for personal use only. By using the site and apps, you declare and commit that your use of the site is personal only and that you are over the age of 15. If you are under 18, your use of the site and apps must be approved by a parent or legal guardian. The terms of use are written in the masculine form for convenience only and refer to all genders.

The terms of use also include the Privacy Policy regarding information collection through site browsing and information provided directly by you, as well as the use of this information.

Adopt-me Israel may change and update the terms of use at any time, at its sole discretion. Therefore, each visit to the site and apps may involve changes to the terms of use, and you should review the terms before using (again) the site and apps.

Whenever the term “Adopt-me Israel” is used, it also refers to members of the organization, officers, managers, employees, volunteers, relevant suppliers, and anyone acting on its behalf.

We emphasize that the initiative is non-profit, and our goal is to help pets. We are a group of volunteers who believe in making the availability of pets and their services accessible to users through our professional and technological capabilities, using high-level information analysis and algorithmic provision.

Any action or inaction in favor of users contrary to the terms of the regulations is done out of goodwill only and will not be considered a waiver of Adopt-me Israel’s rights under this regulation or obligate it to act in this manner in the future.

In any dispute arising from the use of the site or related to the terms of use, the laws of the State of Israel shall apply exclusively, and the sole local jurisdiction shall be the courts of Tel Aviv-Yafo.

A. Any person may become a user of the system, subject to the fulfillment of the cumulative conditions listed below:
B. The user must be competent to perform binding legal actions. If you are a minor (under 18) or not authorized to perform legal actions without guardian approval, your use of the app will be considered as having received guardian approval for the transaction.
C. The user must have a valid Israeli ID or be a legally incorporated and registered entity in Israel.
D. The user must have an email address on the internet.
E. The user declares that the personal details provided or used within the app/site are accurate, correct, up-to-date, and complete regarding their personal identity.
F. It is strictly forbidden to use another person’s personal details or impersonate someone else.

Adopt-me Israel may make changes to the site and apps (including site structure, design, or appearance), content, and services, including the scope and availability of services, charge for certain content and services, add or discontinue services, and change any other aspect related to the site at any time, without prior notice, at its sole discretion. You will have no claim against Adopt-me Israel for changes to the site as mentioned above and/or any issues that arise from such changes. Some services on the site are provided through third parties, and you agree to comply with their terms of use and licenses.

Adopt-me Israel will not be responsible for this.

The use of the site, apps, and content for any illegal purpose or any purpose prohibited by the terms of use of the site and apps is prohibited. You are not allowed to attempt to gain unauthorized access to the site, app, content, other users’ accounts, or computer systems or networks connected to the site in any way. You may not obtain or attempt to obtain any content or information by any means not intentionally made available to you by Adopt-me Israel.

You may not use the site, apps, and content in a manner that could damage, disable, overload, or impair the site, communication networks, and any communication equipment, or interfere with the use of the site and apps by others. You may not upload any material that could cause damage, and you must use the site and apps according to the terms of use and in accordance with the instructions and guidelines provided on the site from time to time.

Adopt-me Israel may, at its sole discretion and without prior notice, block your access to the site and apps and prevent you from any activity therein, at its sole discretion and without any prior notice. You will have no claim or demand against Adopt-me Israel in such a case.

In case of a dispute and/or disagreements between Adopt-me Israel and the user, the data recorded in the database on the servers will serve as conclusive evidence for resolving the dispute and will be considered conclusive evidence in any legal proceedings between the parties. We collect comprehensive information on every user to create an optimal user experience. Nevertheless, we collect cookies, device data, personal data, pixels, tags, session recordings, social network tracking, logs, event tracking, and any other information that may improve the product for you and other users. We may trade in our research findings and data.

Use of Services and Content Upload

The use of some services and features on the website and apps may be subject to registration and provision of details, as specified for those services. It should be noted that you are not obligated to provide any details; however, if you choose not to provide the required details, we will not be able to allow you to participate in activities or receive services that require registration.

In general, Adopt-me Israel does not approve the advertisement of animals for sale, animal trade, or related products. We request that such advertisements and content be prohibited.

When providing details, you must not provide any inaccurate information (including incorrect names, incorrect email addresses, unauthorized credit card numbers, etc.) and you must not impersonate another person or entity, or mislead in any other way regarding your identity and details.

Adopt-me Israel may deny you access to services, block you, or take other actions related to services requiring registration on the site and apps if you do not comply with the terms of use, at its sole discretion.

If you upload content to the site and apps, it is your responsibility to ensure that the content or its publication does not violate the law or infringe upon it. Among other things, you agree not to upload to the site content or links to content that is false, misleading, or distorted; content protected by intellectual property laws, copyright, trademarks, designs, patents, content that constitutes defamation, invades privacy, or damages reputations; violates any other third-party rights, commercial wrongs, or contractual rights; constitutes slander, insults, obscene language, harassment, stalking, threats, or any other infringement of the legal rights of others; personal details of other users, including passwords or usernames; obscene material; publication of any inappropriate, vulgar, offensive, sexually harassing, insulting, defamatory, indecent, or illegal material that may offend the public; content that encourages discrimination, racism, hatred, or violence against individuals, animals, or groups, including based on race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, historical and cultural heritage; content that may encourage, solicit, incite, or assist another to commit any illegal act or that may result in legal liability; pornographic or sexually explicit content; content that may restrict or prevent others from using the site; content that may damage another person’s computer or property, including files containing viruses, Trojans, worms, vandals, malicious applications, etc., including any computer material that may be used to commit offenses under the Computer Law, 1995; content that contradicts accepted internet use rules or may cause harm or damage to site and app users in particular, and internet users in general, as well as not to upload any material related to minors that identifies them, their personal details, address, or contact information.

You are not allowed to upload content to the site that includes, openly or covertly, advertisements or offers to buy or sell products or services, or job offers, directly or indirectly (e.g., by including a link to such content), unless you have received written permission/agreement from the organization.

The act of uploading content to the site constitutes a commitment and declaration from you that the content you uploaded complies with all terms of use and that the uploaded content is not confidential or proprietary and does not harm third parties or violate any law.

If you upload content, images, videos, drawings, written materials, etc., you declare and commit that they are solely your property and that you hold all rights to them. If not, you have received explicit permission from the third party holding the rights to use the content on the site as used. If any claims or demands arise regarding the content uploaded by any third party, you will be solely responsible for such claims or demands and will indemnify and/or compensate Adopt-me Israel. By uploading content (including images, videos, written materials, drawings, etc.), you grant Adopt-me Israel and its affiliates a free, unlimited, perpetual license to use the work in any medium, in any manner, including copying, reproducing, distributing, marketing, broadcasting, displaying publicly, performing publicly, adapting, editing, modifying, translating, and using it in any other way, in any media, in an irrevocable manner, including if Adopt-me Israel or any third party profits from such use. Adopt-me Israel is not liable for any infringement of another’s rights due to content published on the site and its app, including intellectual property rights if not uploaded by it.

You agree to indemnify Adopt-me Israel for any claim for damage, lawsuit, or demand made against it concerning any content uploaded by you to the site and any communications sent by you and to you through the site and due to its use.

Adopt-me Israel has no obligation to supervise the site, its users, or the content uploaded by users to the site. However, Adopt-me Israel reserves the right to review published material and remove or prevent the upload of any content of any kind at its sole discretion. Such actions will not create an obligation or responsibility for Adopt-me Israel regarding content supervision or responsibility for content uploaded to the site, or any result arising from reliance on or use of such content. This responsibility rests solely with the user who provided the content for publication.

Some data you upload to Adopt-me or provided through links by third-party information providers will be used for advanced algorithmic modeling and unique recommendation using AI or ML. The organization will do its best to prevent any form of discrimination in the use of these tools. However, if the use of third-party AI leads to such a situation, we apologize in advance.

Limitation of Liability

Adopt-me Israel strives to ensure that the information on the site and apps is complete and accurate; however, it cannot guarantee that the information will always be complete, accurate, or up-to-date. Therefore, the information and services on the site are provided “as is” and “as available,” and you will have no claims, demands, or requests against Adopt-me Israel regarding the use of services and information, including their content, form, quality, usefulness, damages (if any), limitations, suitability for your needs, or objectives. Adopt-me Israel does not guarantee that the site and apps will meet your needs or that the information does not infringe any intellectual property rights. The use of services and information is always your sole and full responsibility. You acknowledge that there may be defects, errors, or inaccuracies in the information and services or their transmission, and Adopt-me Israel or its affiliates will not be liable for this. Adopt-me Israel or its affiliates do not guarantee that services will not be interrupted, provided regularly or without disruptions or errors, and that they will be free from unauthorized access to the site’s computers or from damage, malfunctions, failures, or breakdowns due to hardware, software, communication lines, internet network, Adopt-me Israel, or its suppliers.

Adopt-me Israel or its affiliates are not responsible for ensuring that the servers operating the site and apps are free from viruses or anything else that may harm your personal computer or mobile phone or those of any third party, and the information contained therein.

Since access to the site and apps is through the internet, the information you publish or upload to the site and apps (if you have the option to do so) may reach third parties.

Adopt-me Israel does not review the information and content transmitted over the network, except for the purposes of protecting its network. Therefore, it is your responsibility to take appropriate security measures (against viruses, unauthorized access to computers, etc.).

Adopt-me Israel will not be liable to site users for any case of database breaches, including subcontractors, data theft or leaks from their servers, use of information or data on the site by malicious and/or unauthorized parties, including misuse of information related to site visitors and their personal details.

The content published on the site and apps (including articles, posts, comments, blogs, forums, discussion groups, and other publications) does not constitute personal advice (including legal, medical, behavioral, etc.) but rather general information only. For personal advice for yourself or the animal you are caring for, please consult a qualified professional (lawyer, veterinarian, trainer, behavioral consultant, etc.) who can provide personalized advice based on personal data and details.

If you decide to rely on content published on the site or apps, or take action based on it, or consider performing any actions based on the content, you bear full and exclusive responsibility for your actions and their outcomes. For the avoidance of doubt, the publication of content on the site and apps does not constitute a recommendation, and any decision regarding the use of the content and information found on our site and apps is made at your own risk.

Although significant effort is made to collect and process content on the site and apps, there may be typographical and other errors during their receipt, processing, and publication. If you use this content, you should check and verify it. Adopt-me Israel will not be liable for any content on the site and apps, errors in it, or any results arising from its use.

We emphasize that the process of adopting an animal occurs with an organization (association, fund) or private individual of your choice only, and all responsibility for this decision and its direct and indirect consequences rests solely with you.

Without limiting the generality of the above, it is emphasized:

A. The app/website is a platform for advertising and mediating between users for the purpose of adopting an animal.

B. Adopt-me Israel is not responsible in any way for the content or quality of the offers published on it. Adopt-me Israel is not responsible for any communication between the users who advertise on it and other users, and it is the user’s responsibility to verify the quality, suitability, and nature of the offer.

C. Adopt-me Israel does not intervene in or become a party to the agreements made between users. Any disputes related to the nature of the engagement between users will be resolved between the users themselves.

D. The presence of offers on the app/website, published by users, does not constitute a recommendation from Adopt-me Israel regarding the quality of the offer or any other representation about it.

E. Adopt-me Israel will not be liable for any damage of any kind that occurs or may occur to a user or a third party due to the content and presentations on the app/website and for any interactions conducted between users on the app/website.

F. The user declares that they release Adopt-me Israel from any direct or indirect responsibility for any case where the communication and/or use of the app/website is not performed, in part or in full, for any reason, and for any technical or other issues that impair the ability to use the app/website.

Adopt-me Israel or its representatives shall not be liable for any direct or indirect damage, financial or otherwise, including but not limited to: consequential damages, loss of profits, loss of data, and similar damages, caused to you or anyone acting on your behalf as a result of using or relying on the website, the apps, the services, the content, or the information contained therein. If you encounter information that does not match what is written on the website or violates the stated intentions, please notify us immediately at so that we can take action to correct or remove it if necessary.

Adopt-me Israel is not obligated to provide any technical support regarding the use of the website or the apps. Adopt-me Israel will make an effort to assist in resolving technical issues related to the use of the website based on requests received via email at Responses will be provided within 21 business days only and/or through other communication methods as announced from time to time on the website.

Each user of the website and apps agrees to indemnify Adopt-me Israel for any damage, loss, loss of profit, payment, or expense incurred by it, including legal fees and court costs, due to a breach of these terms of use and/or due to the use of the website in a manner inconsistent with this policy.


The website and apps may include commercial information provided by various advertisers. The inclusion of commercial or advertising information does not constitute a recommendation or encouragement to purchase the services, properties, or products advertised.

Adopt-me Israel is not responsible for the content of advertisements or their accuracy. The sole responsibility for the content of advertisements and commercial information lies with the advertisers.

Any transaction resulting from an advertisement or information published on the website will be concluded directly between the purchaser and the relevant advertiser. Adopt-me Israel will not be a party to such transactions and will not be liable for the services and products offered in advertisements and notices.

Since the initiative involves business collaborations, there may be benefits for adopters through our platform. It is not a recommendation to accept the benefit, and the responsibility for making this choice rests with the user.


All rights (including copyright and intellectual property rights) to the website, apps, services, and content (including texts, illustrations, graphics, sound, graphic segments, software applications, code, graphs, trademarks, videos, images, etc.) belong to Adopt-me Israel and/or the rights holders as per the permissions granted to Adopt-me Israel. We allow personal use of text, images, videos, etc., from the website and apps, provided that credit is given. However, any use on other websites or for commercial purposes is prohibited. When using text, images, and videos from the website and apps, you must credit Adopt-me Israel by mentioning the name and using the materials without any modifications.

The website and apps may contain content published under an agreement between Adopt-me Israel and a third party. Copyright for such content belongs to the third party, and use of this content requires explicit prior written consent from the rights holder.

The above does not impose any responsibility on Adopt-me Israel for information published by third parties or for any intellectual property rights infringements related to claims made by third parties regarding their proprietary rights to information displayed on the website and apps.

Trademarks and advertisements of advertisers on the site, if any, are the sole property of those advertisers.

Links and Third-Party Information

The website and apps may contain links (hyperlinks) to external sources and content found on other websites on the internet. Adopt-me Israel does not control or supervise the information published on external sites and does not guarantee their content, reliability, currency, legality, privacy practices, or any other aspect. Visiting these external sites is at your own risk. Adopt-me Israel does not guarantee that the links will be up-to-date or functioning or that they will lead to an active site.

Providing registration details on sites accessed through or via links on our site is subject to the privacy policies of those linked sites and applicable laws, not to the privacy policy of Adopt-me Israel.

Creating Links to the Website and Apps

Creating links (hyperlinks) to the website and apps is permitted without prior permission from Adopt-me Israel. However, Adopt-me Israel does not agree to such linking if any of the following conditions are met: the link creates a false impression or misrepresentation regarding the website, apps, services, information, or Adopt-me Israel, including the linker’s relationship with Adopt-me Israel, such as sponsorship, partnership, or endorsement; the link damages the reputation of Adopt-me Israel, the website, the apps, or the information and services provided by Adopt-me Israel, or constitutes defamation. The creator of such a link agrees to remove it upon request from Adopt-me Israel.

Retention and Use of Personal Information

Adopt-me Israel may collect anonymous information that does not personally identify users and is not used for marketing purposes. This information is typically collected through “traffic data” and may involve the use of cookies and IP addresses to identify computers.

Cookies are pieces of data sent from a website or app to a user’s computer or mobile device to store information. Cookies generally do not identify users personally, but rather the computer or mobile device. Cookies can enhance internet use by saving user preferences on a specific website. The information contained in cookies includes, among other things, the pages visited, websites leading to the sites you are browsing, the time spent on sites, sections of particular interest, and more. If you do not wish to have cookies, you can disable them by changing your browser settings. Additionally, you can delete cookies from your computer at any time. Disabling cookies may affect your ability to use some features and services on the website, apps, or other websites.

Adopt-me Israel may use third-party services to collect and analyze anonymous, statistical, or aggregate information regarding the use of the website and apps, including information related to your activity on these platforms.

Your use of the website and apps indicates your consent to the installation of cookies on your device and the use of the aforementioned information.

You acknowledge and agree that Adopt-me Israel and/or its representatives may use your personal information and usage habits for the following purposes:

Adopt-me Israel may contact you occasionally via email (or other means) such as phone, push notifications, messages, SMS, fax, or any other technology that uses mobile phone advertising (and send you information about the association’s activities and services, newsletters, updates, and donation requests). Your acceptance of these terms and your use of the website indicate your explicit consent to receive advertisements from Adopt-me Israel and/or its representatives, as defined by Section 30A of the Communications Law (Bezeq and Broadcast) (Amendment No. 40) 1981. Advertisements will be sent based on the information you provided to Adopt-me Israel or provided in other ways. You can withdraw your consent at any time and notify us of your refusal to receive these materials by sending a refusal notice. The method for sending a refusal notice will be detailed in our communication to you or can be sent to us via email at, and will be addressed within 21 business days.

Some services on the website are managed by third parties on behalf of Adopt-me Israel. In such cases, information you consented to provide us may be shared with these third parties. The use of this information is subject to the privacy policies of these service managers and the privacy policy of the website and apps.

Adopt-me Israel is committed to protecting personal and credit card information of donors and will not transfer it to third parties.

Disclosure of Information to Third Parties

A. Adopt-me Israel may permit access to personal information of users and/or transfer such information to third parties as necessary to provide the services offered through the website and the app, as well as for the operation, development, and improvement of the website, the app, and the services.

B. Apart from the above, Adopt-me Israel will not transfer personal details and/or information collected about user activity on the app/website to third parties except in the following cases:

  • If the user purchases products or services from third parties offered for sale through the app/website, the necessary information for completing the purchase process will be provided to those third parties.
  • In the event of a breach of the terms of use.
  • In the event of actions on the app/website that violate the law or any regulations.
  • If a judicial order is received requiring the disclosure of details or information about a user to a third party.
  • If Adopt-me Israel transfers the app/website’s operations to any person or entity, or merges with another entity or integrates the app/website’s operations with those of a third party, provided that the third party agrees to adhere to the privacy policy described in these terms of use.
  • If the information is statistical and does not include any identifiable user information.

You are entitled to contact Adopt-me Israel to request changes to billing details and cancellation of donations within 30 days of the donation notice under the Consumer Protection Law 1981. Adopt-me Israel will make the necessary changes according to the policy in effect at that time with the credit card company. If the credit card company charges Adopt-me Israel a fee for the transaction, you will be charged such a fee.

Adopt-me Israel commits to maintaining confidentiality regarding participants’ details that are not intended for publication, including payment details if provided to Adopt-me Israel and email addresses. However, Adopt-me Israel will not be liable for any damage of any kind, whether indirect or direct, resulting from unauthorized access to Adopt-me Israel’s database and misuse of the information therein. In such cases, Adopt-me Israel will not be responsible for any damage caused to participants or any other party if the information reaches an adversarial entity and/or is used without authorization.

Information Security

Adopt-me Israel places significant importance on protecting its users’ privacy and securing the information in its systems. Accordingly, Adopt-me Israel implements systems, applications, and procedures to safeguard information, aimed at minimizing risks of theft, damage, loss, or unauthorized access to information, as stipulated by the Privacy Protection Regulations (Information Security), 2017.

This website and the application are secured with SSL standards and protected by Cloudflare services. However, Adopt-me Israel cannot guarantee that these applications will completely and absolutely prevent personal information and data from being exposed, lost, or stolen from information repositories. Therefore, Adopt-me Israel, and you cannot reasonably expect that the services and information systems used by the organization will be entirely immune to unauthorized access to the information and data stored within them. By using the services, you acknowledge and agree to these limitations.

You agree to promptly report to the organization in writing if you discover that someone has used your personal information without your consent.

If you believe that content published on the site harms you or violates your rights, you are invited to contact us at: Adopt-me Israel, via email: In your request, you should detail the nature of the alleged harm or violation, identify the offending or infringing material, and provide your personal contact details for follow-up. A response will be provided within 21 business days.

The Privacy Protection Law grants every individual the right to review the information held about them in a database, as well as the right to request that the database owner correct or delete information if it is found to be inaccurate, incomplete, unclear, or outdated. Therefore, you are entitled to contact us to request correction or deletion of any information about you that is inaccurate. Additionally, if the information in our database is used for personal contact based on your membership in a population group defined by one or more characteristics, you have the right under the law to request that information related to you be removed from that database. You may appeal to the Magistrate’s Court if the database owner refuses to fulfill this request.

Adopt-me Israel reserves the right to disclose any personal information about you or your use of the website, including usage content, without your permission if such action is necessary to: (1) comply with legal requirements or to follow court orders or directives issued by an authorized authority under the law; (2) enforce the terms of use in case of a breach of the website’s terms, or activities that appear to be contrary to the law on or through the site; (3) if Adopt-me Israel believes in good faith that such action is necessary to comply with legal requirements and to protect its rights or the rights of third parties, in the case of claims, lawsuits, or demands against it, and in case of legal proceedings between you and Adopt-me Israel; or (4) to enable the services provided through the site and application, as well as for the operation, development, and improvement of the website, the application, and the services.